Recently we reached $8 million pledged for our BE BOLD CAMPAIGN to build new facilities to serve our parish & campus ministries. Our goal remains $9 million. That said, with $8 million pledged, and with over $5 million of that already collected, we will able to break ground for this project!
It is important to note that $1.5 million of this $8 million pledged has already been spent on PHASE ONE of our project (renovation to existing building) leaving $6.5 million (minus architect fees etc) for PHASE TWO, new facilities.
Our building board and architect OMNI are working hard to finalize the design details. We anticipate that groundbreaking will take place in August. Please be patient, we want to do this right from the beginning so it’s best to take the time now to make the best decisions.
We also continue to plan for how and where we will house our parish and campus services and staff for the period of construction (construction could take 18 months or more.)
At this stage we are still very eager to engage more donors and to keep raising monies. The more we raise the better the new facilities!
Be assured that I will continue to keep you all updated.
Please pray for the success of our BE BOLD CAMPAIGN!