Justice Ministry Update (BUILD)
Why should you add your voice and presence to our social justice community?
Jesus inspires and compels us to care for those who need support and advocacy. Adding your voice gives us greater opportunity to lift and advance important community needs.
In five recent Newman Center house meetings, 39 people shared personal justice concerns/stories - to be combined with those of our 27 member congregations.
We then began the process of choosing a third issue for 2024-2025. Representatives from congregations met and voted on the many options. Three emerged with the most votes:
1. Addiction/Drugs
2. Homelessness/home affordability
3. Housing - Rental code enforcement
Monday November 4, 7:00 PM at Consolidated Baptist Church, 1625 Russell Cave Road we will caucus as a group to vote for the third issue for the year. Please join us!
Current issues on which we are working:
1. Public Transportation/Microtransit: BUILD seeks to provide transportation to a large number of our neighbors who do not have a vehicle or access tom a bus line.
2. Elder Care: BUILD, with a nonprofit (A Caring Place) is partnering with the City of Lexington to facilitate a study to determine needs of older adults and establish a Villages program to provide a variety of support services. .
Contacts for more information and to let us know you are coming:
Katherine Goetz [email protected]
Lynn English [email protected]
Debra Ross [email protected]