Newman Center Justice Ministry update “To act justly, love tenderly and walk humbly with your God” (Micah 6)
There is a small and committed group of parishioners representing the Newman Center in an organization called BUILD. We join with 25 other churches in Lexington to work to improve the lives of people of our community.
Leadership: Katherine Goetz leads our efforts, with Art Mize and Lynn English assisting.
What’s it all about?
Justice Ministry facilitates meaningful change locally by exploring members’ concerns, building consensus on the most pressing issues and working methodically to determine what can be done to improve the lives of those in most need of the changes. Three issues are chosen each year.
What are the three issues this year (2024)?
Affordable Housing Transportation (termed microtransit) for those who lack access to existing public transportation Elder Care (aging in place)
Time commitment: You may choose from the following a level of involvement that works for you.
Once a year, we hold a Newman Center Justice Ministry meeting. This year that will be Monday February 26, 6-7:30 at the Newman Center rooms 3 and 4. (Free appetizersprovided!) You may find out more about BUILD, our parish ministry and discern how you might help.
Also once a year there is a gathering of all 26 churches (termed The Nehemiah Action) to reveal the results of behind-the-scenes research, discussion with community leaders, analysis and decision-making. Our Newman Center goal is to have100-200 members of our parish to be with us when this happens. This year Tuesday April 30, 7 PM at the Central Bank Center is the date/time/site of the Nehemiah Action. This is our demonstration of People Power!
We start this discernment process each year with informal house meetings with small groups/members of Newman Center in late summer/early fall and work steadily toward the Nehemiah Action in April.
Committees working for justice on each issue meet frequently between December and April to do research, analyze information gathered and develop solutions.