I want to take a moment to share with you the nature and purpose of two vital councils that guide and support our parish: the Pastoral Council and the Finance Council.
Vatican II, held from 1962 to 1965, was a truly transformative moment in the Church’s history. The Council opened new paths for the Church to engage the modern world while deepening its fidelity to the Gospel.
I am pleased to share that the beginning of this academic year is off to a wonderful start for our parish and campus ministry. Many students have already connected with our ministry, and it is heartening to see so many eager to engage in their faith and the life of the Church.
Our liturgies are a reflection of our shared faith, and the meaningful connections we foster as a parish family. However, these beautiful expressions of our faith are made possible through the dedicated service of so many volunteers. This weekend, we have a special opportunity to ensure that our parish continues to thrive in its mission to serve Christ and one another.